Flood Control in Evergreen Park
The residents of Evergreen Park refused to be annexed into Chicago so they voted on December 20, 1893 to incorporate as the Village of Evergreen Park. The village was named after the park located at 97th Street and Homan Avenue. Through the years, the village has grown and expanded into a thriving suburb of Chicago.
You can contact the village offices by calling 708-422-1551 or visiting the office during normal business hours at 9418 South Kedzie, Evergreen Park, IL 60805. Check the News section on the village website for the latest news and events.
Evergreen Park programs available for flood control and basement flooding
The Village of Evergreen Park has a Sanitary Sewer Service Line Cost Program that shares the cost of installing overhead sewers with participating residents. Homeowners can receive 50% or up to $3,500 of the cost of installing a new overhead sewer system. See the village’s website for details and an application.
Sewer repair and basement waterproofing in Evergreen Park, IL
The professional plumbers at Xpert Flood Control & Seepage perform a variety of plumbing services. Our Evergreen Park plumbers are skilled and trained to handle almost any plumbing issue including backed-up sewer lines, sewer line repair and the installation of new sewer lines. We use the latest technology including sewer cameras and electronic locating to find problems faster so that you and your family can get back to your lives. If you are interested in installing an overhead sewer system, our plumbers can review options and prices with you as well as the pros and cons of overhead sewer systems. For our commercial customers, we install parking lot basins and storm sewers.
Do you know how water enters your home? Water seepage occurs when there are cracks in your foundation walls and floors or from worn-out or incorrectly installed seals around doors, windows and vents. Home flooding can occur from sudden thunderstorms or from backed up sewer lines. Our flood experts have experience with a variety of Evergreen Park flood control systems including basement waterproofing products such as waterproofing membranes. They also install, repair and maintain a variety of sump pumps and perform foundation crack repair. We take flood prevention in Evergreen Park very seriously because our clients expect our work to protect them, their home and their family.
When you think Evergreen Park plumbing and flood control, think Xpert Flood Control and Seepage, Inc. We are here to help you find an affordable flood control system as well as take care of any sewer installation or sewer repair in Evergreen Park. Contact our office today by calling 1-773-267-5000 or emailing us at xpertemail@gmail.com.
Plumbing in Evergreen Park, IL
Plumber in Evergreen Park, IL
Flood Prevention in Evergreen Park, IL
Flood Control in Evergreen Park, IL
Sewer Repair in Evergreen Park, IL
Waterproofing in Evergreen Park, IL