Flood Control Services
Flood Control, Sewer Backup, and Flood Prevention Systems
Overhead sewers are as effective for flood control as flood control valves are. They involve much more destruction to the interior of the home such as breaking floors and installing pumps inside the home and generally are twice the cost of a flood control system. Lift Stations are another form of flood control that does not involve a valve. A lift station requires the re route of your house sewer to a flood control basin where all your internal waters, sinks toilets, drain tile, laundry and gutters are pumped up and over to the severed portion of your sewer, therefore not allowing sewer back up to your home. This system is only used by Xpert Flood Control upon request or when your house sewer is carrying more than 4″ of water, the downside to this system is that the pump has to pump 24 hours a day rain or shine.
Xpert Flood Control provides several types of Flood Prevention Services on all types of flood controls. Although we advise customers to deal with the original installer of their Flood Control or Drain Tile and sump pump systems for warranty purposes, we realize companies go out of business or just don’t service their products, if this is the case Xpert will be more than happy to evaluate your flood prevention system and service it based on your flood prevention needs. The following is a list of our services that are provided annually to our flood control and drain tile customers.
- Flood Control System Services
- Drain Tile System Services
- Power Rod Sewer and Sink Lines
- Catch Basin Cleaning
- Sump Pumps and Switches
- Camera Analysis
- City of Chicago’s Private Sewer Program
Drain Tile Systems
This category of products is used to stop the infiltration of water from entering your home through wall cracks and floors in most cases by hydrostatic pressure. Depending on the severity of your problem and your objectives as a customer Xpert will provide you with suggestions necessary to achieve a cost effective solution.
Interior Drain Tile Systems
The Xpert Interior Drain Tile System is a product designed for complete resolution, it is installed along the interior perimeter of your home and accompanied by Xpert Sheet Drain, this allows for absolute protection against Hydrostatic pressure. All water around your foundation and under your floors are channeled into this drain tile system from above and below reliving the Hydrostatic pressure around the foundation. The water is then transferred to a drain tile sump pump where it is either pumped to the city sewer or an area out side your home depending on city or village codes.
Exterior Drain Tile Systems
The Xpert Exterior Drain Tile System is generally installed for the same purpose as an interior drain tile system, when your foundation is made of common brick or lime stone water infiltration can start to degrade the structural integrity of the brick. Xpert installs its drain tile out side and uses a asphalt base product called Frost Shield on the common brick or limestone to stop further deterioration and water penetration of the foundation. All water is channeled into the drain tile system and then transferred to a sump pump. The cost of exterior drain tile is usually much higher than interior drain tile due to the additional labor for excavation and should only be considered when there are no other options available.
Foundation Cracks and Grade Seepage
When complete drain tile systems are over kill and unnecessary and your problems are related to foundation cracks or grade seepage caused by landscaping issues. Foundation cracks can be filled with Epoxy and landscaping techniques can be performed to reduce grade away from common bricks where infiltration generally occurs. No matter what your decision may be Xpert Flood Control and Seepage will be there to provide the best guidance available.