Xpert Exterior Drain Tile System
Are you getting an Xpert exterior drain tile system in your Forest Park, IL home? If so, prepare for the system to be installed along one or more of the exterior perimeter walls of your home. Although every application is slightly different, the process typically begins with the placement of tarps approximately four feet from the foundation walls. These tarps provide protection for your lawn from materials that are excavated during the process. Excavated materials are placed on the tarp, with 80% of the material being designated for reuse during the backfill portion of the project.
Next, Xpert professionals will carefully remove sidewalks (except for walkways which can be tunneled under), driveways, and shrubbery that are located within three feet of your foundation.
Exact details depend on your Arlington Heights municipality’s code.The foundation of your Forest Park, IL home will be checked for any potential sources of water seepage – such as cracks, utility entrance holes, or wall ties. Xpert then prepares the drain tile bedding, #6 stone fill, and then places the drain tile (ASTM D2729 perforated PVC) on the bedding next to the footing. It will be pitched using a ratio of 1/8″ per foot, which ensures that there is a proper flow ratio to the disbursement source. Vertical flush ports will be installed at each corner for ease of future maintenance and service. Xpert provides annual service. Typically, the system will be pitched from two points – this maintains placement against the footer. The drain tile will then be connected to a sump pump, or a gravity drainage system will be used to tie it to your sewer system.
Next, the walls of your foundation will be cleaned and a waterproof membrane will be applied followed by Xpert’s sheet drain system. This multi-step process ensures that all water is properly dispersed to the drain tile below. The exposed drain tile will then be covered by a foot of #6 stone fill, plus stockings or filters. Backfill will then be used to finish the process. It will be tampered in 2′ lifts to grade which helps protect against future settlement. To ensure that your Forest Park, IL is left in the best condition possible, all debris will then be removed and sidewalks and shrubbery will be replaced (dependent on the contract’s description of work).